Selasa, 27 Juli 2010

Yahoo Japan Switch Use Google Search

Jakarta - Yahoo Japan has signed an agreement to use Google's search engine instead of Microsoft's Bing.

The agreement was announced by Google's vice president of operations Asia Pacific region and Japan, Daniel Alegre in his blog posting.

Alegre says, Yahoo Japan will use Google's search results and Google's technology to complement the search ads. "Through this partnership, revenue from search advertising will be divided among the companies supplying the ads, in this case that Yahoo Japan and Google,"

On the other hand, it strikes a deal that Microsoft has spent years working hard in order to match the use of Google services that lead the market.

U.S. Yahoo Bing install Microsoft to supply search results, but apparently Microsoft can not convince Yahoo Japan to participate using its search engine.

U.S. Yahoo is an investor in Yahoo Japan, but not the only one. There are other investors namely telecommunications and media companies from Japan, Softbank, which holds a larger stake there. Thus, the decision of Yahoo Japan is not associated with Yahoo USA.

1 komentar:

  1. Thank's informasi, sangat bermanfaat sekali buat kita semua
