Selasa, 27 Juli 2010

Mutual-Cawabup Cabup Convincing

Kepanjen (20 / 7) - The three candidates Regent and Vice Regent 2010-2015 year yesterday afternoon (19 / 7) gave a vision and mission to provide an overview of work plan in order to convince the public before the regents, the ranks of government officials and community organizations.
At an event held in this Parliament Plenary Meeting Room, the three almost have the same plans and views. Among them is the wish to further promote the field of government through good governance government-clean government, improve public services, health, education, and to optimize the potential of natural resources and human resources will also be an impact on the opening of new jobs.
Chairman of the Parliament Day Saso says this activity is one of the early stages of implementing a series of elections. "One of them marked with the delivery of the vision and mission as well as the signing of the peace campaign statement that is accompanied by readings by the three pairs of candidates," said Day who also shared 39 of the 50 members of parliament who were present that afternoon. After opening it, every pair of candidates is given allocation of time that begins 30 minutes based on serial number. The first set of H. Rendra Kresna-H. A. Subhan carry the vision to realize a society independent of Malang Regency, religious, democratic, productive, advanced, safe, orderly and competitive in accordance with a slogan that is Madep-Manteb. While this pair has 8 vision. Then the second pair, known as Ebes Ngalam want to realize a prosperous society of Malang Regency, independent, religious, democratic and insightful nationality. This vision is known as Semar mesem integrated with the five (five) missions.
Meanwhile, former Chief Medical Officer of dr. Agus Wahyu Arifin, who ran as candidates numbered three pairs with H. Abdul Mudjib Syadzili or Gus Mudjib have a shared vision that people construct of Malang Regency Ideal, namely improving the quality of the human index and industries ranging from agriculture to fisheries, democratic, economic and religious. They have seven vision and goal to create a smart and healthy society. After delivering the vision and mission, the three partners signed a declaration of peace that followed a campaign by reading together of the three. The contents of this peaceful campaign statement contains, among other six position statement agreed that all couples are ready to win ready to lose, succeed in the election, avoiding all forms / actions that could break the unity and integrity, maintain stability, harmony with regional head-organizer of the elections and resolve any problem consensus agreement and through legal channels. (PR / loh)

A. Couple number 1 (H. Rendra Kresna Subhan-HA):

a. Wewujudkan understanding and practice of values and cultural mores.

b. Wewujudkan government clean government, good government, fair and democratic.

c. Enforcing the rule of law and human rights.

d. Increasing the availability and quality of local infrastructure.

e. Improving human resources self-reliant, productive and competitive.

f. Enhance regional economic growth based on agriculture and rural community empowerment.

g. Achieve a clean environment.

h. Improve habitat and environmental functions and sustainable management of natural resources.

B. Couple number 2 (H. Moh. Geng Wahyudi-H. Abdul Rahman):

a. Develop and strengthen the religious identity of the community, independent and friendly tolerant harmony.

b. Achieve increase in welfare that correlated prorakyat.

c. Create jobs.

d. Improving the quality of faith-based education and taqwa.

e. Applying the quality of democracy.

C. Couple number 3 (dr. Agus Wahyu Arifin-H. Abdul Mujib Syadzili):

a. Realizing the public to play an active role in development in all fields.

b. Creating good government.

c. Growing community spirit and create a "Trade Mark Malang Regency."

d. Realize the intelligent and qualified people.

e. Encouraging employment opportunities.

f. Creating a clean and healthy environment.

g. Empowerment of SMEs.

2 komentar:

  1. mari wujudkan demokrasi yang bersih,,masalah bisa diselesaikan dengan muasyawarah jangan hanya dengan demo
