Kamis, 29 Juli 2010

Factors Affecting Classroom Situation

Being a teacher is the most noble job but a job that is also dangerous for the survival of the next generation in the future. Teachers become one of the few parts that affect the success of a generation in a nation. So a teacher is not enough to just teach (convey) the material but more complex. Of so many things that affect the success and whether or not to create the next generation is the ability to understand the factors that affect classroom situations. Because teachers clearly need to be able to master class for knowledge transfer activity runs conducive, smoothly and in accordance with the noble objectives of education.
Below are various factors that affect classroom situations, including:

1. Level of mastery of the material by the students in their classes
The material has been mastered by students, both obtained from the time before, from other teachers or from the various media have ever read by students unwittingly have a significant influence on the mastery of the material. This material should be adapted to further or enhanced flexibility and depth of the material. Teachers can only do the pre test to determine the extent to which students master the material taught aka. This is important for the composition of the material being taught to be perfect and not repetitive which can make the students experience burnout.
Similarly, if the material will be delivered too difficult or high, then the teacher should make adjustments to the material, although perhaps it is not contained within the education curriculum that had been developed this is done so students can be followed by students. Negative effect if the material that will be delivered too high or difficult and no adjustments were made to the material it will usually generate less noise and a class or a serious student to follow the material being discussed.

2. Facilities needed
If a matter requires the facility equipment, media, places or certain fees and it was beyond the ability of the class / school then you should make adjustments as needed without compromising the essence of the content being delivered. Teachers may use other alternative learning method which is closer to the situation of students and the ability of the class / school. Here is a tested teacher professionalism in taking the best alternative step in addressing the problem. It could be a tool facilities, media, places and certain expenses that are not able to be provided by the class / school to be one trigger of teachers to make educational innovations that allow the material can still be submitted well in class.

3. Condition students
The number of hours of study to be completed by students in one day also become one of the factors causing fatigue of students. Students lethargic, sleepy, hungry or because there are activities to be conducted outside and so this can affect the classroom situation. This should be considered by the teachers so that a teacher should be able to adjust this situation with a material that will be / is being delivered. Teachers could be inserted into the content being presented with stories that motivate, funny stories, and / or stories related to the concentration of material that could provoke students to stay focused on the material.

4. Learning Methods
Many teachers who do not realize that the teaching techniques used to convey the material does not match the situation that this class can be boring and less exciting atmosphere of the class. Teachers should make adjustments so as not to get carried away in such a classroom situation. Many learning methods that can be used by teachers in delivering the material but it must be based on obervasi match between the material to the circumstances of students, the level of mastery and facilities needed. Do not impose a method of learning with content that is not appropriate, this will trigger a non-conducive to the class.

Professional teachers are required sensitivity in the master class situation so as to make the adjustments necessary for the effective implementation of the program's pembelejaran be achieved. Good working professional teacher ...

A. Tabrani Rusyan, Drs. 1992. Schools Curriculum Implementation Strategy. CV. Bina Mulia: Jakarta

5 komentar:

  1. Yupz.. Peran Guru sangat penting..... karena membentuk dan menyiapkan para calon generasi penerus bangsa..... Mari kita Bangun Pendidikan Indonesia dengan Penuh rasa tanggungjawab dan profesionalisme.... met sore menjelang magrib Pak...hehehe..

  2. Pertma komentar keren sob webs nya,
    ke dua. Yupy bener bangets artikelnya. Klo nurut ane sich, kondisi kelas berpengaruh bangets buat psikologis penerimaan materi oleh si murid :)

  3. tukar link broo..pasang link ku dulu kalo sudah konfirmasi ke blog ku yah

  4. KApan nich update artikel lagi???? ditunggu teman
