Sabtu, 31 Juli 2010

Fart (Gokil abizzz but educate Enough) Hi .. hi .. hi ..

> Often shunned fart, fart frequently despised, often fart
> Considered
> Illegitimate child because sometimes not known who gave birth to
> World
> This, let us see past their Kasian fart ... ...
> Where fart?
> From the gas in the intestines. Gas in the gut comes from the air we
> Swallow, which broke into the intestines from the blood, gas and gas from chemical reactions
> From
> Bacteria in the stomach.
> What is the composition of fart?
> Varied. The more air you swallow, the more levels
> Nitrogen in flatus (oxygen from the air absorbed by the body
> Before
> Until the intestine). The presence of bacteria and chemical reactions between stomach acid &
> Intestinal fluid produces carbon dioxide. The bacteria also produce
> Methane &
> Hydrogen. The proportion of each gas depending on what you eat,
> How
> A lot of air ingested, the type of bacteria in the gut, how long we
> Hold
> Fart. The longer withstand wind, the greater the proportion of nitrogen,
> Because
> Other gases absorbed by the blood through the intestinal wall. People
> Eating in a hurry oxygen levels in fart more because
> His body could not absorb oxygen. (So do not like to hold back
> Fart).
> Why do farts stink? <== Pake question asked
> Smell of farts because the content of hydrogen sulfide and mercaptan. Second
> These compounds contain sulfur (sulfur). The more sulfur content
> In your food, the more sulfide and mercaptan produced by
> Bacteria
> In the stomach, & the more you fart busuklah. Egg & meat have a role
> Large
> In producing bad smell fart. Nuts role in
> Produce the volume of farts, not in kebusukannya.
> Why do farts making a sound? <== Make loud, but please read
> Deh
> Scientific explanation below .... Because of the vibration hole
> Anus
> When flatus is produced. The severity depends on the speed of sound of gas.
> (And
> Your anus hole diameter, hi .. hi ....) <=== Gw jg say what, if jd
> Dah
> On loose anus tuh .. deh loe ndiri imagine what it sounds ky?
> Original
> I own loud
> Why is rotten fart was warm & no voice? duh ... not
> Ya strong!
> One source of fart is bacteria. Bacterial fermentation &
> Process
> Digestion produces heat, the gas side is rotten. Size
> Smaller gas bubbles, warm and saturated with the products of metabolism
> Bacteria
> Olid. It later became a fart, though only a small
> Volume,
> But SBD (Silent But Deadly Silent But Deadly =).
> How much gas is produced daily?
> The average half-liter a day in 14 times fart.
> Why do farts come out through the anus?
> Because its density is lighter, why do not fart gas
> Do
> Trip to the top? Not so. Promote intestinal peristalsis
> Contents
> Downward. Pressure around the lower rectum. Peristalsis
> Intestine
> Made the chamber becomes pressurized, forcing the contents of the intestine,
> Including
> Gas it to move into lower-pressure supervision distinguished, namely
> About
> Anus. On the way to the anus, small bubbles
> Join
> Be a big bubble. If there was no peristalsis, the gas bubbles
> Will
> Break into the top again, but not too far, because of intestinal reply
> Complex
> & Berbeit around the bush. (Imagine if farts out of the nostrils). <==
> Ada2
> Aja nih ye
> How much time required by the fart to do
> Travel
> Kehidung others? <==== Gokiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil llllllllllLLLL
> Hahhahahahah .... ahaha
> Depending on the condition of the air, like humidity, temperature, speed &
> Direction
> Wind, fart gas molecular weight, the distance between 'transmitter' with
> 'Receiver'. Once leaving the source, fart gas spreads
> Concentration is reduced. If the fart is not detected in some
> Seconds, then experience dilution in the air and disappeared into the air
> Forever. Except if you fart in a cramped space, such as
> Elevator,
> Cars, more concentration, so the smell would stay in
> Time
> Long until finally absorbed by the wall.
> Does anyone fart?
> Certainly, if still alive. Shortly after meninggalpun
> People
> Still can fart. (So do not be ashamed if often fart)
> At what usually people fart?
> In the morning on the toilet. the so-called "morning thunder". If
> Good resonance, can be sounded throughout the house.
> Why does eating nuts cause a lot of fart?
> Beans contain sugars that can not be digested
> Body.
> Sugar tsb (raffinose, stachiose, erbascose) if it reaches the intestine, bacteria
> In
> Direct intestinal partying and making a lot of gas. Corn, peppers,
> Cabbage,
> Cauliflower, milk also causes a lot of farting (no smell!).
> Besides food, what are the causes of fart?
> The air is ingested, eat in a hurry, eat without chewing,
> Drinking
> Soft drinks, a plane (because of lower air pressure,
> So
> Gas in the gut expanded and emerged as a fart).
> Do the same with the burping fart, but emerged from another hole
> Not ... burp emerges from the abdomen, another chemical composition
> With
> Fart. Saltpeter contain more air, gassy fart
> A
> Manufactured by more bacteria.
> Where the departure of fart gas is not released if arrested?
> Not absorbed blood, not disappeared because the leak .. but
> Migrate
> To the top to the intestine and in turn will be out as well. So
> Not
> Disappeared, but only postponed.
> Could fart on fire?
> Could be. Farts contain methane, hydrogen is combustible
> (Gas
> Nature containing these components as well). If it burns, its flame-colored
> Blue
> Because the content of the element hydrogen. (Kalo climbed mountains, forget to bring matches
> But
> Want to cook instant noodle, wear make fart aja turn on the stove)
> Can lit a match with a fart? <=== Awesome!
> Do not be absurd. .. Another consistency. Also the temperature is not
> Enough
> The heat to initiate combustion.
> Why do farts dog & cat is more rotten?
> Because dogs and cats are carnivores (meat eaters). Meat
> Rich in protein. Proteins contain much sulfur, so smelly fart
> Animal is more rotten. Other herbivores such as cows, horses,
> Elephant,
> Which produces fart more, longer, louder sound,
> But
> Relatively odorless. (So better keep the elephant at home
> Instead of
> Dog).
> Is it true that getting high could smell the fart 2-3 times
> Consecutive
> Fart contains less oxygen, may you experience
> Dizzy if fart smelled too much. (So who had a
> Hobby
> Smell the fart, should dikurangin) <=== Trus kalo pengen stoned again
> Tp
> Again broke, well ... nikmatin deh ndiri fart!
> What is the color of fart? <=== Important not you think now? Hehehe ...
> No color. If the color is orange like nitrogen gas
> Oxide,
> Be found out who farted.
> Fart is whether acid, alkaline or neutral?
> Acid, because it contains karbondioksisa (CO2) and hydrogen sulfide
> (H2S).
> What happens if someone farted on Venus?
> The planet Venus has many containing sulfur (sulfur) in layers
> Air, so there he farted no effect.
> But it was really touching,
> Sometimes when you cry, no one who realizes
> Linangan
> Your tears.
> Sometimes when you are very sad, no one who saw
> Pain your heart.
> When you are happy, no one would notice a smile
> Expand on your lips.
> But, when you fart .. everyone turned to you.

1 komentar:

  1. yang kehilangan diem aja, tpi yg nemu wkwkwkwkwkaaaa... pada Ribut... itulah kehebatan Kentut kang...
