Sabtu, 31 Juli 2010

forget what the Arabic

* The guy: Ehmm ... ... how is said that ... ...?
* The girls: good alhamdulillah Kabarku also mas, (while ducking the girls answer) masnya how's it going?
* The guy: I also really good, how his studies in Cairo?
* The girls: there mas was delicious, a lot of new experiences there.
Their conversation began more familiar and more jokes anymore, because I'm not so awkward anymore, every few minutes after that the guy started asking her unek unek during his stay to the land in Germany

* The guy: oh yeah that, I want to ask ya to you, answer with an honest yes!
* The girls: what is a goldfish? (With the curious girl bertannya)
* The guy: you there are still loyal to you?, Not cheating ....?
* The girls: opo seh you say?
* The guy: do not ask why I just wrote, but you do not get mad yes.!
suddenly the girl was crying hysterically, and then the guy confused why he came to cry, then she asked again on the girl

* The guy: why are you crying? what's wrong ask me that?
* The girls: why do not you do not salah.sudah mas fair if you say so.
* The guy: then why are you crying?
* The girl: I wrote mas honest with you, I apologize to you mas
* The guy: so what you're sorry?
* The girl: (looking termehek mehek) I ... .. a .... A .... I ... ..
* The guy: I ... I ... why that?
* The girl: I'm sorry once again Mita mas, maybe I have to disappoint you there
* The guy: so what are ...?
* The girl: I was there once in Cairo who kiss the same person study there.
* The guy: What ... ..? I have not ever kissed your girlfriend wrote you why other people already ... ...? (Looking angry) then you shut up aja?
* The girls:-x @ 3 #% 4! @ 9 &
* The guy: why do not you gampar he wrote?
* The girls: in Cairo there was a rule where the girl was not allowed to gampar guy
* The guy: you marai not he?
* The girls: no ... ...!
* The guy: Why ... ...?
* The girls: (as she cried harder she said) because I ... ..?
* The guy: because I was what ...?
* The girl: because I forgot what his Arabic language "TEACHING LESS SO Sih LOE" (loud shouting very cool)

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