Kamis, 29 Juli 2010

Definition and Terminology Education Curriculum

The curriculum is one means to achieve educational goals, and also used as guidance in the implementation process of learning and teaching in various types and levels of school. The curriculum became the basis and philosophy mirrors the philosophy of life of a nation, will be directed where and how to shape this nation's life in the future, all that is determined and described in an educational curriculum. The curriculum must be dynamic and evolving to suit the various developments in the world community and must specify the results as expected.
Etymologically, the curriculum (curriculum) is derived from the Greek, namely curir which means "runners" and curere which means "a place to race." That means the term curriculum comes from the world of sports in Ancient Greece in Greece, which implies a distance that must be taken by a runner from the start until finish, then in use by the world of education.
In terminology, the term curriculum is used in education, namely a number of knowledge or capability that must be taken or completed the students in order to achieve a certain level of formal and accountable.

Along the development of time understanding the curriculum also continues to experience a shift in meaning, the task of educating which should embrace together between family and school become unbalanced, it makes more people entrust the education problems of children to school. Though time owned more children than the family environment of the school. Development of science and technology information in such a rapidly followed by blasting and blasting people make the load increasingly heavy and complex school lately. It is also causing more people demanding to school in the form of the values and abilities of children who must be in accordance with the needs of society and the world of work.
Understanding curriculum widely not only in the form of subjects or activities students but all matters affecting the child's personal formation in accordance with the purpose of education is expected.

The terms in the Curriculum
Actually a lot of opinions and understanding of the curriculum suggested by education experts on a variety of literature, but essentially as disclosed above. In addition to understanding the curriculum, there are several terms in the curriculum that we often hear (especially teachers) in our everyday environment, including:

1. Ideal Curriculum
Curriculum ideal or ideal curriculum is a curriculum that contains something good, which is expected or aspired to as stipulated in the curriculum book.

2. Real Curriculum
Real Curriculum, Curriculum Actual or actual curriculum is what is done in the learning process or that become a reality in the curriculum are planned or programmed in education. Actual curriculum should be equal to the ideal curriculum, or at least close to the ideal curriculum, although it is impossible or never equal in reality.

3. Hidden Curriculum
Hidden Curriculum or hidden curriculum is the curriculum that happen from everything that affects while learning something. This influence is probably from a private teacher, the students themselves, the school employee, or other matters that are the school environment. Hidden curriculum is the course curriculum emerged as an ideal or an actual curriculum. Hidden curriculum is very complex, hard to identify and assess.

4. Curriculum and Teaching
Curriculum and teaching are two terms that can not be separated from one another. The difference is found only in degree. The curriculum is shown in a program that is general, for long-term, and not reached in time instantly. While teaching is realistic or actual, special character and is reached on the spot. Or simply to say that teaching is the implementation of a curriculum in stages in the learning process.

A. Tabrani Rusyan, Drs. 1992. Schools Curriculum Implementation Strategy. CV. Bina Mulia: Jakarta

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